Complex systems becoming easy

Rumo’s recommender engine works via API. Meet with our team to get an overview of what Rumo can do and its features.

Complex systems becoming easy

Rumo’s recommender engine works via API. Meet with our team to get an overview of what Rumo can do and its features.

Fast integration with 3 simple steps

Log into the dashboard, integrate Rumo and you’re good to go!

Create your account

Sign up on Rumo Dashboard and set your environment space. Start feeding Rumo with your catalogue or try out our pre-made sample.

Receive recommendation

Preview similar recommendations and play with settings to find the perfect configuration for your business needs.

Integrate Rumo’s API

Configure with the help of our API doc. Integrate users interactions to get personalized suggestions for your clients and that’s it, you’re ready to go.

Rumo’s algorithms: the best of both worlds

A semantic approach ...

By assigning keywords and their weights to content pieces, the algorithm can identify the best results for every query.

... with refined associated recommendations.

Associated is a type of content-to-content recommendation that makes recommendations based on hidden user interaction patterns.

Rumo is a hybrid recommendation system, combining different methods to overcome individual problems and taking only the best of each model. No cold start problems, no filter bubbles!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I integrate Rumo? Do I have to do it myself?

Check out “How it works” to find out how to integrate Rumo in 3 steps.

Do I need metadata to use Rumo?

Rumo works best if you do have metadata. Otherwise, we have a metadataless algorithm, “Associated” that creates recommendations based on users pattern. Check out this article to learn more about it.

How long does it take for Rumo to be effective after implementation?

Rumo is immediately effective right after implementation.