Rumo Sports to be launched by Spideo at IBC 2022

Rumo Sports, the new product from Spideo, is a recommendendation algorithm specialized in the sport industry. .

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PR : Rumo Sports, a new recommender system dedicated to sports industries, will be launched by Spideo at IBC 2022 

Paris, 31/08/2022 – Spideo Rumo SPORTS, a new recommendation system dedicated to sports content platforms: OTT pure players, sporting franchises, sports leagues, content aggregators and IPTV operators. This product, combining content recommendation and analytics, aims at supporting sports organizations in their digital transformation by providing a complete solution for improving User Experience, building intelligence and managing communities of fans.

Since 2010, Spideo has been helping OTT, TELCO and VOD PLATFORMS in their content recommendation strategy, notably covering Sports content for Tier1 Super Aggregators (Bouygues telecom, Altice, Canal+ group).

With Rumo Sports,  Spideo aims at providing B2B content recommendation solutions for sports fans enhanced by semantic input and powerful algorithms.

 “Sports fans have their topics of interest: it can be a specific sporting discipline, a club, a league, a tournament or  their favorite athletes. So they must be able to interact with the recommender system to declare those topics of interest if they want to. Does it mean however that Sports fans like to stay stuck in past habits? Of course not. Some events are going to make them extend their scope of interest. The dynamic of Rumo Sports recommendations make it possible to remain open and capable of explaining the connections with new topics of interest.”   comments Thibault d’Orso, CRO and Co-Founder of Spideo. 

Rumo Sports brings the possibility for sporting franchises, sports leagues and sports content platforms to have a constant and fully understandable knowledge of both declarative data and behavioral data. There are multiple applications of that knowledge about sports fans, their tastes and the evolution of their topics of interest: customer relationship, community management, subscribers’ retention and data monetization.

The IBC show is probably the perfect place to announce this evolution in the field of sports and entertainment, in a post-pandemic era when the market has never been more active. 

Rumo Sports solutions will premiere at IBC 2022.